“Anja’s reality” is a text-based work about Anja, (not her real name), a sex worker who offers ‘drive-thru’ sex in a designated zone for sex work. In the zone men can legally pick up a sex worker when a daytime two-way street is turned into a one-way circuit around the railway station and the Philip’s buildings in Eindhoven in the Netherlands. Women are only able to work here if they have a drug problem and meet regularly with social workers who have an office in a 20ft container on site, that also has showers, condoms and tea-making facilities for the sex workers.
Three ’realities’ are presented in the work: “Anja’s”, “the caretakers’”, and “my reality” (which serves as the reader’s view). These are printed as text on clear Perspex, or directly on the wall, in a script as if taken from a typed record of interview. As the viewer stops to read, their silhouette is cast on the work imposing them directly into the trio of narratives.